Three Way Peak (6796')

Basically, I bungled the approach to this peak (August 11, 2023), ascending straight to the summit from a hop off point on the PCT. This was probably much harder than had I stuck to the description, ascending to the col and then via the ridge to the summit. However, my approach luckily went and I eventually intersected the "normal" approach maybe 100 feet below the summit block. The Mountaineer's description for the last 50 feet is "The Three Way summit block and final 50' are somewhat exposed but not technical." I found this to be the case, actually much easier than the nasty gullies I ascended and descended in the process. I had been peak bagging staging out of the Crystal Mountain RV lot, so my approach was via the Silver Creek Trail to a PCT connector, then the PCT. Stats: 10 miles/2932' elevation gain. Beautiful weather was on the palette this day! Rated Mature due to a few mild cuss words.