Old Black Diamond

This is an excerpt from a blog post I did in 2009, titled “Don’t Stop Doing”….The larger issue is, in my opinion, our tendency to stop "exploring" as we age. It seems a natural state to stay within your comfort zone as we get older. How many times have you referenced an older relative or heard a phrase like "likes their routine?" So this gets to the meat of my ramblings, which is the importance of challenging ourselves during the Geriatric, to step out of our comfort zones, essentially to make ourselves do something that is much easier to avoid.

Thankfully, 14 years later I’m still at it, and skiing is a perfect example. Of course newer ski technology helps (I can’t understand oldsters still skiing with wool hats, skinny skis and rear entry boots), especially offering confidence that the skis will now do what I want them to do. But it’s been mostly my attitude, getting back to tackling hard stuff (black/double blacks) instead of always cruising the blues. The more I do it, the more I want to do it. On a recent ski day with a buddy of mine we ranged around Crystal Mountain skiing as many blacks as we could; it was a wonderful day. Someday I may be content (or have to be) with cruising the blues, but for now, let me at ‘em!