Wonderland Trail snow sampling: May 16/2021

In 2019 I decided that my “official” Wonderland Trail snow conditions annual report was no longer needed, as there are myriad places to get this information. However, my participation this year on a Wonderland on line group has me thinking I should post again, at least for this high snow year. Many of the members there are not local and have no experience with snow travel, yet there are many that have permits for the Wonderland in June. Even in regular snow years, June hikers are more likely to turn around or bail from the trail because of snow and lack of trail maintenance. Even access is restricted during this time, as the predicted opening of the road to Sunrise is July 2 and the Mowich Lake road is July 9. This video will provide a sampling of what travel is like on dirty undulating snow in the forest, perhaps the toughest environment for navigation.