Willis Wall Holiday Year in Review 2021

Been a busy year at Willis Wall. Relocating back to the Pacific Northwest, basing out of the van for 5 months logging hundreds of miles and thousands of feet on foot, bike and skis. Besides my usual stomping ground at Mt. Rainier National Park, I trained at the US Air Force Academy, did the High Sierra Trail with my daughter to Mt Whitney, managed a week of cycling in Italy, turned in one of my best Wonderland Trail hikes and hit some great places like Olympic National Park, Colorado National Monument, Dinosaur National Monument, Craters of the Moon National Monument, White Sands National Park, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Joshua Tree National Park and Saguaro National Park. Family matters precluded the time to write original music this year so I recycled some Christmas tunes from previous projects. I wish viewers good health and happiness for the coming year!