Mt. Adams RTM Off-Trail Timelapse

Mike Woodsmansee's book, Trekking Washington, describes how to negotiate the substantial off trail portion on Mt. Adam's east side. I used this as a guide, relying mostly on line of sight and altimeter, to negotiate this section when completing this Round The Mountain trek. Because this hike is so rarely done, at least when one searches for internet content, I attached a GoPro to my shoulder strap and set it to take one photo per second. Although not easy to watch, I am making this video available for people willing to undertake this strenuous journey to at least get a feel for what the terrain is like. Despite being only about 5 miles, it took me nearly 8 hours to negotiate the eastern off trail portion. This section is on the Yakama Reservation, so make sure you are legal to cross this land. When I did this hike on June 24-25, 2015, the Yakama had opened their boundaries early due to lack of snow. I camped (and parked) at the Cold Springs campground so did not need a permit as I transited the Reservation in one day and did not bed down until off Yakama land, finishing the loop hike CCW on day 2. Although I have portions of a GPX track, my device lost contact a number of times so it is not complete enough to make available. Besides, anyone attempting this trek should have enough skill, experience and confidence to undertake the task without handholding. This proved to be a tough but extremely rewarding journey. I hope this time lapse is of help to anyone researching and undertaking this trek. To download this video go to the Vimeo link below.